31 Films for Halloween, #18: Pontypool (2008)

Pontypool changes everything.

Pontypool is a wintry, claustrophobic, Canadian... well, I will call it a "zombie" film, although the nature of the zombifying agent is... unique. Extremely unusual, in fact, and that makes Pontypool a much more thoughtful film than most.

That alone would make Pontypool a worthwhile watch, but the stage play-like setting, the odd and powerful performances of the principals and their small but quirky cast of supporting characters.

Pouring one out for you, Ken in your Sunshine Chopper.
I wouldn't leave my kids with you, but nobody should have to go the way you did.

Zombie flicks are often gore fests, but that is not the case with Pontypool, which has virtually NO on-screen gore or violence.

In the immortal words of Nikos The Impaler's Brunette Cop: "I hate that violent sh*t!"

Pontypool is an intellectual, conceptual film. Does it fully succeed on that level? I'm not sure; but the attempt is a valiant and high memorable one.  Pontypool is sure to haunt you solely through the power of its words.

And for this film, nothing could be more appropriate.


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