
I absolutely LOVE this film . You know that kind of movie where the killer hides on the edges, in the woods, slowly picking off the teenagers one by one, so that other ones don't catch on until it's too late? THIS IS NOT THAT KIND OF MOVIE. It is quite some time before anything "eventful" happens, at the half-way point in the film. But I was fine with that. I was enjoying getting to know the victims, er, I mean, characters. On the one hand, they were very much Horror Movie Teens: the Jock, the Nice Guy, the Creepy Girl, the Jokester, the Coward, the Stoner, et al. But somehow these Lithuanian characters seemed much more real and less stereotypical than those in similar American films I've seen. And, boy, howdy, does it make up for lost time in the second half. Barely 50 minutes in all I can think of is: "This would make an AWESOME boardgame."