The Way West

 The Way West isn't anyone's favorite movie or even favorite Western.  It's too upbeat for those who like downer westerns and vice versa. Robert Mitchum only seems to wake in time to say his lines, but still suffers sleep inertia.  Kirk Douglas seems to be playing not a character, but A Kirk Douglas Character.   And Richard Widmark is, as always, tofu in the mix.

"Guys? I ... I'm here, too. Can I look?"

But, it's a poor film that has NO memorable lines or scenes, and The Way West got one off that I'll always remember:

Innocent teenage boy: "I noticed that [the frontiersman's necklace]. Mighty handsome possession.  D'ja get it off a dead Indian?"

Veteran frontiersman: "Yeah; my wife."

Much more powerful and memorable than the way the "Frontiersman with an Indian woman handles a question from an innocent young'un" was done in The Indian Fighter (played by Kirk Douglas in a better performance), it says worlds about the myths and realities of relationship between settlers and natives, and in very few words.


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